Shivu Sathe
Junior Ruth Gemechu guides her blindfolded partner, junior Kailyn Fetterman, as they try to stack cups.
Tuesday – Adam Sandler Day
The first spirit day of the year kicked off with Adam Sandler Day. Students dressed up in oversized shirts and shorts and wore hats that resembled the style of the actor. “[Spirit week] is fun; it’s probably going to be my last chance to [participate] before college applications,” senior Manasvi Sharma said. “This year is going to be a lot of work — especially the first semester — so it’s just something fun [to do].”
SCA hosted lunch games where students from each grade level competed to win spirit points for their class during lunch. The lunch game on Tuesday was Musical Chairs.
Wednesday – Barbie Day
Bejeweled boots, glittery dresses, and pink tops filled the hallways as students dressed up in their best Barbie outfits. Barbie Day brought out creativity in students and staff alike in preparation for the football game on Friday. “I decided to dress up today because I like pink, and because I like wearing dresses,” junior Keya Kocherla said. “I’m planning to dress up [for the rest of the week, too]. I also think I’m going to the football game and the tailgate.” On Tuesday, during the lunch game, students fought for spirit points by playing trivia, which was a mix of general knowledge questions and Barbie questions.
Thursday – Squad Day
Reminiscent of “Twin Day,” Squad Day was an opportunity to grab friends and match outfits in groups of two or more. Students had a blast taking pictures with their friends in their matching outfits. The lunch game on Thursday was blindfolded cup-stacking. The staff also participated in this spirit day, with the English staff all wearing blue, the admin team wearing M&M T-shirts, and the history department dressing in “Crayola” shirts.
Friday – Tropical Out
Students dressed in colorful leis and tropical Hawaiian shirts, to end the week strongly and to cheer on the football team at the home game against Strasburg High School. The lunch game on Friday was “Finish the Lyric,” where students competed to win spirit points for their class by finishing song lyrics from artists such as Taylor Swift, Drake, and Pitbull. To conclude the week, SCA hosted the first pep rally of the year, where teachers competed in a friendly game of musical chairs, and each class tried to win the Spirit Stick by cheering the hardest. Chemistry teacher Kyle Hayne won musical chairs, and the seniors won the Spirit Stick.