“Kraven the Hunter” steps into the bleak shadows of the superhero genre, presenting a protagonist who is neither good nor bad, but rather...
The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Emancipation Proclamation. All of these documents share many things in common. Excluding...
The roar of the crowd grows louder as two female wrestlers lock each other in fearsome pins on a sweat-tainted mat, showing their courage and...
Imagine stepping into a famous restaurant, your mouth watering in anticipation of the splendid vegetarian dishes to come. But as you glance at...
As December rolls around, holidays from all different religious and cultural backgrounds come with it. Holidays, like Hanukkah, are well-known,...
On Monday, Dec. 16, The Phoenix boys varsity basketball team played the Unity Reed Lions in a tight, 59-56 win. The game had a slow start,...
On Nov. 29, rapper Jarad Anthony Higgins, commonly known as Juice WRLD, posthumously released his final album, titled “The Party Never Ends.”...
The holiday season is the most popular time of the year due to the amount of holidays that occur during this period. With the holidays approaching,...