Running from your fears at the Haunted 5k
Rock Ridge hosts the inaugural Haunted 5k, which helped bring the Rock Ridge community together & promoted Rock Ridge clubs & activities all in the spirit of Halloween.
November 4, 2019
Students of all ages and their parents arrived to Rock Ridge to run the Haunted 5k on Oct. 26. Kids came in their own unique costumes. This event started with a trunk-or-treat in the parking lot. Each club had its own trunk that had candy and games, such as “Find the Gummy Worm,” a ball toss, and hopscotch.
Everyone then gathered at the starting line for the race. Runners were buzzing with energy to start. Principal John Duellman gave the countdown, and they were off. Teachers and families were cheering everyone on, waving flags. There was a twist to this 5K, however; students jumped out of the forest to scare the runners. “It was fun, I enjoyed getting ready and seeing their expressions when I jumped out,” scarer freshman Keerthi Kasaraneni said.

Freshman Jett Cooper poses in front of the 5k finish line. Cooper was awarded first place winner at the Haunted 5K. “I felt pretty good. It was tiring, definitely, but I’m proud of what I did,” Cooper said.
The first person to cross the finish line was freshman Jett Cooper. He earned a time of about 17:50. “I felt pretty good; it was tiring, but I’m proud of what I did,” Cooper said.

Principal John Duellman awards winner Alaina dressed as a giraffe of a costume competition.
The event ended with a costume contest and the award ceremony for the winners. Overall, the event was filled with laughs, screams and smiles.

Junior Rebekah Lott, sophomore Eveline Josselyn, freshman Sneha Khandavalli, junior Alex Gomez, junior Jacqueline Le, junior Finesse Jones, junior Courtney Bergeron, and senior Anjali Mehta, members of Rock Ridge Performing Arts, promote the new play “Peter Pan” next to their decorated trunk.

Sophomores Alexa Kim, Maya Guffey, and Carly Davis and senior Yuca Chen, members of Global Ambassadors, congratulate the winner of a whipped cream competition.

Sophomore Gayathri Kavitha, a member of the Leo Club, cheers a Stormtrooper on as he plays a game.

PE teacher Annamika Hacikyan and Mr. Phoenix walk hand in hand during trunk or treat.

Sabrina, winner of costume competition, stands proudly on the platform with her prize.

Sophomores Anurag Gottipati and Ankitha Kasavaraju pose at their trunk station. Gottipati and Kasavaraju represent Health occupations students of America at the trunk or treat. “What was super cool about this was that we actually got in contact with the Loudoun volunteer coordinator person at the 5k who said he’ll help provide opportunities for us to volunteer,” Kasavarju said.

Freshmen Zymora Dean, Nicolas Biernacki and other racers prepare to start the 5K race.