Phoenix Swing a Win for the Season
On May 16, the Phoenix varsity baseball team won 16-9 against the Loudoun County Cavaliers, highlighting a climatic moment in this season.
Senior Ryan Buermeyer (22), mid-swing, aims to hit the ball and allow sophomore Dylan Neach (21) and freshman Nikhil Midda (9) to make it home from second and third bases respectively.
June 14, 2022
On May 16, the Phoenix baseball team had a successful win against the Loudoun County Cavaliers. The Phoenix maintained a lead throughout the game, and a winning hit by sophomore Dylan Neach (21) in the second to last inning sealed their victory,with their final score totaling 16-9.
Freshman Mekhi Motilewa (2) and Dhruv Vemuri (8) threw off Loudoun County’s batters with each pitch. With great focus, they pitched the ball with such speed that batters often struck out.
Near the end of the game, Ari Susser (5) struck the ball and allowed Neach (21) and Motilewa (2) to make it back home along with Susser (5) himself, ending the game on a high note.
Over the course of the season, the Phoenix baseball team faced difficult odds against schools from across the county. “I think we have improved a lot over the course of the season,” coach Tim Ford said. “During the second half of the season, as a team, we were way better at the plate and on defense,” coach Tim Ford said.
After each game, the team made sure to train and practice harder than before. “We prepared pretty well, we practiced everyday,” sophomore Brahmjot Chawla (18) said. Coach Ford said that the team focused on their hitting and defense. In addition, during games, he tried to put each player in positions and situations during the game that they could be the most successful in.
As the season comes to a close, both the players and their coach look forward to the future of the team here at Rock Ridge. “We are a young team and improved a lot during the season. I see that improvement continuing into next year and the future,” Ford said.
With the seniors wrapping up the school year and graduating into college, the Phoenix’s baseball team is open to all those interested and driven to play baseball no matter the skill level. “We had several guys on the team this year that at the beginning of the year did not have much baseball experience,” Ford said. “By the end of the season, everyone learned something.”