Apocalyptic Masterpiece: “Knock at the Cabin”
“Knock at the Cabin” premiered on Feb. 3, 2023 in theaters. The film brought thrilling dramatics throughout the film and great visuals.
“Knock at the Cabin” is the newest installment of M.Night Shaylaman’s horror collection, starring Jonathan Groff and Ben Aldridge.
March 31, 2023
“Knock at the Cabin” follows the story of a young couple, Andrew (Ben Alridge) and Eric (Jonathan Groff), who go on a trip to a cabin with their daughter Wen (Kristen Cui). Eventually, they are held hostage by a group of people who are looking to prevent an apocalypse from happening by sacrificing one of the family members. The group of four, Leonard (Dave Bautista), Redmond (Rupert Grint), Sabrina (Nikki Amuka-Bird), and Adraine (Abby Quinn), are all fighting together to do what they allegedly think is right.
This film was fun to watch, however, it seemed to revolve around the cliche apocalypse story that’s shown in other films. Typically, most films have the same concept, such as zombies, sharks, or a pandemic, but “Knock at the Cabin” mostly discusses the prevention of an apocalypse. Suspense was not the only thing that made the film fun, but the anticipation of what will happen next was also intriguing; the film did a magnificent job with the storyline.
The film was very suspenseful, but it would have been more fun if there were some scary elements throughout. Despite this, M. Night Shaylaman did a great job at depicting the world after the very significant event of the apocalypse. The film was very long to watch and it could have gotten to the main climax quicker. It could have been scarier psychologically rather than jumpscares, but the concept of an apocalypse made the film to be more different by providing a different style of horror films. This definitely made the film enjoyable and the suspense made the film more engaging and fun to watch; this was evident towards the middle to end of the film.
This movie was definitely very thrilling and breathtaking due to the characters’ situations and it was found to be very memorable because of the amount of action it had. This intrigued the audience even more, which was something that was very necessary to make the film fun and was evident in the beginning of the film. In “Knock At The Cabin,” there are a variety of suspenseful aspects which were seen in other films such as “Split,” “Old,” “Glass,” and way more.
Overall this film deserves 6/10 stars. “Knock at the Cabin” is available on Amazon Prime Video, Redbox, Apple TV, Vudu, Youtube, and more.