Rishita Valluru
May 10, 2023

Q – How long have you been playing softball?
A- I’ve been playing since I was six, so around eleven years.
Q- Why do you play?
A- Starting really young, I’ve grown to really love the game. My parents pushed me and I just love competing.
Q- Who got you into the sport?
A- My parents, my mom was trying to sign me up for baseball for girls, and she got a softball flier and that is how I got started.
Q- Who is your role model?
A- I guess the reason why I started pitching was [because of] the Florida Gator and Lauren Haeger, one of the softball players. I just love watching her pitch, so I love pitching.
Q: Who has impacted your game the most?
A: Probably my mom. My mom pushes me a lot, and she drives me everywhere, and always makes sure I’m on top of my game. She is just so supportive.
Q: How has playing impacted your high school years?
A: I feel like playing softball has definitely made me stand out. There are some cons to it, I haven’t been able to spend much time on homework, but it makes me more active.
Q: How does it feel playing as a senior?
A: It’s kind of sad, knowing it’s my last year. I mean, I still haven’t decided whether I’m going to play in college yet, but if I don’t, this is definitely really sad, knowing I’ve played it for so long and it’s ending soon.
Q: What was your favorite playing for Rock Ridge?
A: My favorite memory from this year is probably the game we played against John Hanley. It was one of our first games this season and it really got our spirits up. I think we won 20-0 so it was just really fun, finally getting a win.
Q: How has playing this sport at Rock Ridge affected your relationship with your peers?
A: A lot of people do come up to me asking about softball, a lot of them recognize me from it.t I’ve made some great friends while playing.