Each year, as the days before students get to leave wind down and the weather turns cold, colorful doors begin to fill the hallways. A contest organized by the school’s Student Council Association (SCA), door decorating allows students and teachers to showcase their creativity and holiday spirit, as well as the competitive nature of Rock Ridge. Starting on Dec. 7, each advisory came together to brainstorm and execute their blueprint of the year’s door. Using materials such as construction paper, laminated images, garlands, and other artistic elements, students utilize various components and strategies for a shot to win it all. This year, junior Hannah Tyson, senior Noor Jiwad, and marketing teacher Ben Stodala spent time making their respective advisory doors as out-of-the-box, festive, and award-winning as possible.
As deliberation occurred Tuesday, Dec. 19 during fourth block, many students eagerly awaited the announcement of results the next day. Environmental science teacher Kayla Hennessey’s advisory took first place overall and concluded the 2023 door decorating contest.