• Important Dates -->
  • 6/6: Capstone Gala and Senior Awards
  • 6/7: Rent Revival Performance
  • 6/13: Graduation Practice
  • 6/14: Last Day of School
  • 6/14: Graduation @ RRHS
The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


Phoenix Girls Lacrosse Displays Impressive Effort Against Briar Woods

The Phoenix girls lacrosse team faced the nearby Briar Woods Falcons in a difficult match. Although the Phoenix showed a strong defensive effort and were able to power through the several injuries and player absences, the Falcons ultimately took the win 16-2.
Diya Chand
Seniors Sierra Bell and Ashi Akula advance upfield with the ball.

On April 24, the girls lacrosse team went up against the Briar Woods Falcons in their fifth home game of the season. Still on the hunt for their first win of the year, the Phoenix put forth a tremendous amount of work on both their offensive and defensive fronts. Despite the valiant effort by the Phoenix, they fell to the Falcons in a 16-2 loss.

In the initial stages of the game, particularly in the first quarter, the Falcons took the offensive lead, scoring right at the start of the game with about 11 minutes left on the clock. The Phoenix called for a time-out soon after with about 7 minutes left in the first quarter. According to senior Sierra Bell, these time-outs are often helpful for the team. 

“During those little team meetings, or timeouts or between quarters, we talked about what we did well, and what we needed to work on,” Bell said. “Talking was definitely something that we did well, and that helps a lot.”

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Near the end of the first quarter, with only three seconds left on the clock, a Falcon player attempted to score a goal over a Phoenix player’s shoulder, earning herself a yellow card. The quarter ended with the Phoenix down 6-0. 

The second quarter started with the Falcons receiving another yellow card after placing the player who previously got a yellow card in the previous quarter, back into the game.

“At the end of the first quarter, this girl got a dangerous shot,” Bell said. “She shot it over someone’s head. You can’t do that. So she got a yellow then and had to stay out for two minutes of the second quarter. But she didn’t, and so she came back early, and then they got two yellow cards.” 

The rest of the game was marked by significant lengths of possession from the Falcons’ offense, giving the Phoenix’s defense several opportunities to show off their endurance.  “This game we especially struggled with having so many injuries in the game, and absences,” junior Jackie Cheek said. “So I think for future games, we’ll definitely have better attendance, better health, and then won’t be as tired.” While under constant pressure, the Phoenix were able to consistently force turnovers. However, this effort fell short as the game ended with a final score of 16-2 in the Falcons favor, with Bell scoring an impressive goal nearing the end of the game. 

Senior Ashi Akula thought highly of the team’s defensive effort, and she hopes to build on that as the season continues.  “I’m just happy everyone gave it their all in the fourth quarter, and we can go home knowing that everyone did their best,” Akula said.

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About the Contributors
Diya Chand
Diya Chand, Staff Writer
Diya Chand is a senior this year, and a new staff writer to The Blaze. Her time in the Art and Lit Mag club here at Rock Ridge helped lead her to Newspaper. Now, she is looking forward to taking pictures, interviewing, and improving her graphic design. Diya also has interests in the medical field, hoping to join the Red Cross Club, potentially train to be an EMT, and maybe pursue veterinary science or dentistry. This year, Diya is looking forward to Capstone at the Loudoun County Animal Shelter. On any day, you can find her at Rock Ridge or at the Academies of Loudoun in the Academy of Science pathway. There, she’s a member of the STEM4Kids club. Outside of school, though, you can find her drawing, watching Netflix, or reading interesting research articles (one of which was about roundworms being able to detect cancer in dog pee).
Leif Labianca
Leif Labianca, Staff Writer
Leif Labianca is in his senior year of high school, and is a first year staff writer on The Blaze. Throughout Labiance’s life, music has been a part of it. His earliest memory with music is him listening to and understanding the lyrics, rhythm, melody, and meaning of each song. One lyrical artist that comes to Labiance’s mind first when thinking about music is the American rapper Robert Bryson Hall II, “Logic.” While a frequent consumer of music, Labiance isn’t a critic of it; he enjoys all types of music not just for its rhythm or lyrics, but the message that is underneath the melody as well. Labiance hopes to explore more music during his time in The Blaze.
Nadia Shirr
Nadia Shirr, Staff Writer
Nadia Shirr is a junior and this is her second year on The Blaze. She joined so she could have a more fun, and chill class. When there's a new event to cover, she likes to write about it so she can give her perspective on the topic. Shirr has also been involved in crew for the last two years. Shirr would like to go out of state for college, but is still undecided as to what she’d like to study.

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