• Important Dates -->
  • 6/6: Capstone Gala and Senior Awards
  • 6/7: Rent Revival Performance
  • 6/13: Graduation Practice
  • 6/14: Last Day of School
  • 6/14: Graduation @ RRHS
The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


Acknowledging Achievements: All School Awards

On May 20, students from the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes were recognized for their persistence and dedication to their academics and athletics. There were a total of 136 awards handed to students.
Sitwat Mian
The “All School Awards” ceremony was held virtually through WeVideo to recognize freshmen, sophomore, and junior class students for their achievements and hard work.

On May 20, Rock Ridge High School virtually held its “All School Awards” ceremony congratulating the freshmen, sophomore, and junior class students for their effort and diligence.

Students were given awards from all the school departments: math, science, social science, English, language, fine arts, and physical education. A total of 136 awards were distributed among the classes.

Sophomore Reshmitha Rajagopal received the AP Computer Science Principles & Geometry award. “It was totally unexpected,” Rajagopal said. “It gave me some hope for next year. I worked hard, for sure, so it gave me some self-confidence and courage for [upcoming years]—that I can give my 100%, and I can work towards it and I can achieve it, so it’s definitely motivation for the upcoming years.”

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According to Rajagopal, the award helped meet her goals and boost her self-confidence after being at Rock Ridge for only a little over a year. “I would say that it’s a motivation and a booster for my confidence. It made my parents [proud], and that is something that I felt happy about [since that is a goal I’m working toward]. Especially being a new student, it wasn’t easy, but I made it and that’s a win.”

Junior Ginny McGee received four awards: AP Calculus BC, Latin Student of the Year, Latin Residential Governor’s School, and Outstanding Tech Theatre Performance. “I’m probably most proud of my Calculus BC award because I was not expecting [it],” McGee said. “I skipped Calculus AB, so I didn’t exactly have the firmest grasp as to what was going on in that class, [but] I love math.”

McGee also enjoyed receiving the Latin Student of the Year award. “I love Latin,” McGee said. “It’s so fun. It’s basically a puzzle, and since it’s not spoken anymore, it’s a good secret language. It’s been preserved so well. I mean, we’ve lost a lot of stuff that’s written in Latin, but they’re finding new stuff and that’s really exciting. I also love researching history, and so Latin combines that very well. It’s just amazing. Another thing I love about Latin is that we have a club so people who don’t have room in their schedules for the class can still learn the same stuff!”

Junior Troy Boateng received the Outstanding Band Award and the Tri-M Service Award. “The Outstanding Band award is [when] the director, Mr. Ratcliff, picks who he thinks is the best student of the year,” Boateng said. “[The people who receive the] Tri-M Service Award is whoever shows that they’re a leader within the club.”

Boateng enjoys band and playing his instruments. “I’m really passionate about the subject,” Boateng said. “I was just doing whatever they told me to. I would go the extra mile occasionally, I guess, when it came to preparing music and things like that. My favorite part [about band is] the freedom I have with my instrument to play whatever kind of songs I want to. I play the euphonium and the tuba.”

The 2024 All School Awards Ceremony was an overall success, honoring the recognized students and all their achievements.

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About the Contributors
Hylay Assefa
Hylay Assefa, Staff Writer
Hylay Assefa is a junior at Rock Ridge High School and is in his third year on “The Blaze'' staff. He primarily joined the staff due to his passion for reporting and writing news stories. Assefa, who also currently plays soccer for the Rock Ridge soccer team, coaches Loudoun One Soccer for youth boys throughout his community. As a fan of a wide variety of music genres, such as rap and R&B, Assefa’s favorite musical artists include “The Weeknd,” and “Destroy Lonely.” Assefa looks forward to the upcoming Rock Ridge soccer season and prom later this year.
Azciel Goodhart
Azciel Goodhart, Staff Writer
Azciel Goodhart is a sophomore and this is their first year on staff. In their free time, they enjoy swimming, knitting, and crocheting. They found their love for crocheting in 5th grade when they wanted to create a baby blanket for their teacher. Goodhart participates in the crew and swim team at Rock Ridge, as well as the philosophy club. They also hope to continue their love for chorus through Rockapella. One piece of advice that they carry with them is “one more.” They began to hear it in swim and crew, and they use it day to day to help motivate them to keep pushing.
Sitwat Mian
Sitwat Mian, Graphic Editor
Sitwat is a junior, and the Graphics Editor for the Newspaper. She enjoys art and is excited to create graphics for the staff this year. When she’s not frantically worrying about school, you can find her listening to music, spending time with her family, and eating. She is probably the most unathletic person you will ever meet, and has the memory and attention span of an Ostrich. Ultimately, Sitwat hopes for another creative and successful year in Newspaper.

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