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  • 6/6: Capstone Gala and Senior Awards
  • 6/7: Rent Revival Performance
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  • 6/14: Last Day of School
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The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


Phoenix Leave a Blazing Trail for Track Regionals

During the regionals track meet, several Phoenix athletes competed and placed, giving them a ticket to compete at states.
Lucian Tiller
Senior Teyany Kleiner looks to take the lead away from a Huskies runner and a Wolverines runner. Kleiner became the regional runner-up after racing in the 100 and 200 meter.

On Wednesday, May 22, the Phoenix track team competed alongside Broad Run, Dominion, Heritage, John Champe, Loudoun County, Loudoun Valley, Park View, Tuscarora, and Woodgrove at the region championship held at the Phoenix home track.

Six Phoenix athletes placed during regionals, including sophomore Khem Temoka, who placed as a regional champion from the boy’s 400 meter race, senior Daniel Bankole, who placed as a regional champion from the discus competition, and juniors Lilia Jones and Micah Younger, freshman Adrienne Lwanga, and sophomore Zoe Fyne-Okorie placed for the 4×100 race, as regional champions.

During regionals, some athletes took this opportunity to show perseverance after injuries or mental blocks. “I was kind of nervous because it was a home meet, I knew some of my friends were watching, and I just came back from an injury; I’ve been injured for about a week, so I was pretty nervous,” sophomore Khem Temoka said. “To be honest, I was overthinking things, I didn’t know what I was doing wrong, I didn’t know what caused my injury, but I’m good, I’m good.” 

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Among the stress of competing against several other high-ranking athletes for the qualifiers, the Phoenix also had to account for the weather, which was very humid and rainy that day, posing as another figurative hurdle to jump over. “Like any other track meet, I hydrat[ed], [ate] good food, good breakfast, good lunch, and I just trust[ed] my training in general, and I got a lot of sleep too [to get around the weather].” Temoka said. 

As the senior athletes step down and the new track athletes step up, new precedents are set. Seniors like  Daniel Bankole now focus on what’s ahead of them in their academic and athletic careers. “Regionals felt great, I had a big PR in regionals and I took first place [in discus], which made me really happy,” Bankole said. “I feel kind of sad, but at the same time I feel good [about leaving] because I wanna go around more, I don’t want to just be confined here. I will miss my friends and my teachers, though.” Bankole said.

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About the Contributors
Lucian Tiller
Lucian Tiller, Opinion Editor
Lucian Tiller is a junior who has always liked reading about news and current events, and he thinks that it’s important for people to stay up to date about things that can impact them. Despite challenging deadlines, he also likes how the newspaper provides a service for the school, encouraging staffers to write about what they like. As Opinion Editor, he reminds staff that if you don’t write what you enjoy, it isn’t gonna be as good; plus, writing about stuff you like is easier, and you have fun while doing it.
Nidhi Manchala
Nidhi Manchala, Staff Writer
Nidhi is a junior at Rock Ridge and it is her third year as a member of The Blaze. Outside of school, Nidhi enjoys drawing. She prefers to keep her art private, and mostly doodles on work. Her favorite part of school is newspaper, which she actually joined on a whim as a freshman. Her favorite part of newspaper is the design aspect because she gets to put her art skills to use. Nidhi has spent this past summer studying for the SAT and taking care of her beloved dog. Nidhi aspires to be a psychiatrist when she’s older due to her interest in psychology. Nidhi is looking forward to college and the freedom that comes with it.
Fran Rodriguez
Fran Rodriguez, Staff Writer
Francisco Rodriguez is a freshman staff writer for The Blaze, and it is his first year on staff. He wanted to join the school newspaper because he saw a particular interest in the class and likes reading about current events as well as keeping up with the news. Although temporarily injured, Francisco loves playing soccer, being with his family and friends, relaxing on his phone, and listening to music in his free time. If he could ever give himself advice, he would tell himself to talk more and to ask more questions to help him grow.

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