• Important Dates -->
  • 6/6: Capstone Gala and Senior Awards
  • 6/7: Rent Revival Performance
  • 6/13: Graduation Practice
  • 6/14: Last Day of School
  • 6/14: Graduation @ RRHS
The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


Rock Ridge Sings Celebrates Seniors and Sends Them Off With Final Concert

On May 29, Rock Ridge Sings performed for the last time this year, sending off the Class of 2024 seniors on a high note.
Bhargav Kuniki
Sophomore Zoe Fyne-Okorie (left) and freshman Addison Dietz (right) strike a pose at the end of “Girls Just Wanna Dance,” arranged by Paul Langford.

On May 29, Rock Ridge Sings gathered for their final spring concert of the year. Unlike other concerts, this one featured a medley of high-energy, familiar pop songs such as “Mamma Mia,” “I Wanna Dance With Somebody,” and “Uptown Funk.” The concert was a huge success and had the audience clapping along to songs and swaying in their seats. “Since they were all pop songs and the audience knew that, the audience was just so energized, and it just made it more fun for us to perform,” junior Jiya Chadha said.

Despite the numerous upbeat songs, the chorus concert still included other softer pieces, which displayed various different tones from different sections of the choir. “My favorite song was ‘What Was I Made For’ because I was the one who brought it up to my chorus class,” Chadha said. “I really wanted them to sing it and we got to sing it.”

Cantus Avem, the predominantly underclassmen all-female choir, showed off their skills that they’ve honed over the year with songs like “Girls Just Wanna Dance,” “Kiss Me,” and “Mamma Mia.” Despite being a group consisting of first-year choir members, Cantus Avem did not disappoint as they showed the audience what they were capable of. “Cantus had some really fun songs and some really fun dances,” sophomore Zoe Fyne-Okorie said. “We worked pretty hard, so it was pretty fun.”

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Midway through the night, Rock Ridge Sings was accompanied by the Sixth Grade Chorus from Stone Hill Middle School. These young singers stepped up to the challenge and put on a show in front of the high school choir students. They performed “Just Sing” arranged by Mark Brymer, and had the audience on their feet as they kept the upbeat energy going. 

Energy was a key part of bringing the whole night together. This concert would not have been complete without the hilarious puns from the MCs. Between each song, the masterful MCs, seniors Maggie Miller and Ananya Akula, took the stage and humored the audience with their laugh-invoking puns.

Chorus director Jordan Markwood gives a tuning fork to senior Hayley Sutton, applauding her for her work throughout the years with Rock Ridge Sings. (Sruthi Vivek)

The night was also special for graduating choir students as well, as it was their last time performing as high school singers in front of an audience. In honor of giving the seniors a final farewell and a token to forever remember their home at Rock Ridge Sings, choir director Jordan Markwood handed each senior their very own tuning fork at the end of the concert. “I think it was a nice way to send off the seniors, especially with the ending song,” Fyne-Okorie said. 

This moment was very special and emotional for many of the seniors, as they’ve been with the choir program throughout their high school career. “I’m definitely gonna miss [the seniors], there’s a lot of them in choir,” sophomore Architha Varakantam said. 

Rock Ridge Sings made sure to make the night special for the seniors and the audience, wrapping up the year on a high note.

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About the Contributors
Sruthi Vivek
Sruthi Vivek, Sports Editor
Sruthi Vivek is a sophomore and this is her second year on “The Blaze” staff. She is the Sports Editor, and she’s looking forward to all of the amazing things that the staff will accomplish this year. Sruthi plays for the Rock Ridge varsity basketball team, and she loves sports in general. She loves going to football games and hanging out with her friends at tailgates. When she’s not out socializing, you can usually find Sruthi in her room stressing about school work or watching TV shows. She’s also very passionate about art and loves to paint in her free time as well. Sruthi is a huge music fan, and you’ll usually find her listening to R&B and rap artists like Bryson Tiller, Drake, Travis Scott, and Tory Lanez. She originally joined Newspaper her freshman year because she loves to write and take pictures.
Riya Cherukuri
Riya Cherukuri, Staff Writer
Riya Cherukuri is a sophomore and a first year staffer on The Blaze. In her free time, Cherukuri enjoys baking desserts. Cherukuri also spends her time playing softball for Rock Ridge. She was motivated to play because her brother played baseball, so being on the field felt just right. Cherukuri hopes to continue playing in college.
Bhargav Kuniki
Bhargav Kuniki, Photo Editor
Bhargav is a junior and the Photo Editor on The Blaze. When he's not mountain biking, he's doing homework, playing basketball, or hanging out with his friends. His favorite food is homemade mashed potatoes with gravy. He joined the newspaper to be more involved in the inner workings of Rock Ridge. He's looking forward to the year and the exciting new stories to write.

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