• Important Dates -->
  • 6/6: Capstone Gala and Senior Awards
  • 6/7: Rent Revival Performance
  • 6/13: Graduation Practice
  • 6/14: Last Day of School
  • 6/14: Graduation @ RRHS
The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


Moving Music and Final Farewells: Seniors Take Last Bow at Orchestra’s Annual Spring Concert

On May 28, the Rock Ridge orchestra performed their annual spring concert, rounding off a year of success and recognizing seniors that are leaving the program. Though the performance was brief, the ensemble filled the auditorium with beautiful tunes as they combined fast-paced and slow moving pieces.
Ananya Karthik
While sophomore Tyler Nguyen, senior Shubha Ballurkar, and junior Norah Thomas concentrate on playing their cello in tune with the music, junior Andrew Takach stands behind them, moving his hands across the fingerboard of his double bass as the only player with this instrument.

On Tuesday, May 28, the Rock Ridge orchestra held its annual spring concert in the auditorium. Although the performance was notably brief, lasting only 15 minutes, it left an indelible mark on the audience, encapsulating the spirit of a dedicated musical community and the transition of the orchestra’s senior members. 

As the orchestra took their places on stage, the concert began promptly at 7:00 p.m.. This year’s class was smaller than usual, which led to a shorter program. Nonetheless, the musicians delivered a captivating performance that highlighted their talent and hard work.

The concert was shorter this year due, in part, to the different orchestra divisions  —  advanced and artist — getting combined. “Usually we do one or two [songs in the different groups] separately for the winter concert and other stuff we do combined; for the spring concert we usually come together for most or all [songs],” director Teresa Gordon said. “I like them all to play together, it’s a different experience having a bigger group.”

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The evening’s program included a selection of classical pieces, such as “Impact” by Bob Philip, ranging from fast-paced to more mellow, showcasing the versatility and skill of the ensemble. Under the direction of director Teresa Gordon, the orchestra performed with precision and emotive depth, drawing the audience into each piece. The harmonious blend of strings, woodwinds, and brass created a rich sound that filled the auditorium. 

Following the musical performance, the focus shifted to the senior recognition ceremony. This tradition holds a special place in the hearts of both the students and the audience, as it celebrates the achievements and future endeavors of the graduating class.

Each senior was called to the front of the stage by Gordon, where they were greeted with applause and cheers. Gordon shared a few words about what the class of 2024 means to her, highlighting their growth and dedication to the program. Then, each senior took a moment to announce their college plans, a significant milestone in their next steps into the future. 

The seniors, adorned in concert black, proudly shared their college destinations — some went into science and technology, while others tackled fields like engineering and business. The audience responded with enthusiastic applause and words of encouragement, recognizing the hard work and perseverance that brought each senior to this point.

Concertmaster of the artist orchestra, senior Rohan Santosh, announced he would go to Rice University to study Computer Science. After four years of perfecting playing his instrument and growing closer with his orchestra ensemble members, he has mixed feelings about saying goodbye. “It’s a very tight-knit community,” Santosh said. “I never would have met these people otherwise, [if I hadn’t joined the orchestra,] and we’re all pretty good friends; it’s sad to leave them. Even Ms. Gordon, I’m gonna miss [her,] and she’s helped me a lot in my journey throughout high school.”

Though brief, the spring orchestra concert was a reminder of the power of music and community. It was an evening filled with beautiful melodies, heartfelt farewells, and a celebration of new beginnings. The concert not only showcased the musical talents of the students but also highlighted the bonds formed through their shared love of music.

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About the Contributors
Ananya Karthik
Ananya Karthik, Arts & Entertainment Editor
Ananya is a junior, and joined The Blaze staff  in her sophomore year. She is currently the Arts and Entertainment Editor, and she loves writing articles about events occurring in Rock Ridge. Her love of reading and writing, which began when she was little, only grew as she got older, and she quickly gained an interest in writing reviews. Now, she hopes to pursue a career or profession in journalism. In her free time, Ananya likes to watch TV shows, her favorite being Gilmore Girls, listen to Harry styles, and keep up with pop culture news on Instagram and Facebook.
Melissa Waas
Melissa Waas, Video Editor
Melissa Waas is a junior who is the Video Editor for The Blaze. Waas has a place in her heart for making films with her two sisters, who also love to make craft and movie projects.  Originally from France, Waas moved in 8th grade, and she loves being part of the Rock Ridge community, where she is also involved in PEER and is one of the WINGS mentors.
Muhammad Reda
Muhammad Reda, Staff Writer
Sophomore Muhammad Reda is a returning member of The Blaze as a Staff Writer. He enjoys photography, which is a major reason for his interest in Newspaper. Outside of school, Muhammed enjoys reading and listening to all types of music. Muhammad’s main goal this school year is to thrive and do better than he did the previous year. . Muhammed enjoys hanging out with The Blaze staff, because he enjoys the company and how they encourage them to work harder. Muhammed strives to become a photographer for The Blaze in the coming years.

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