• Important Dates -->
  • 6/6: Capstone Gala and Senior Awards
  • 6/7: Rent Revival Performance
  • 6/13: Graduation Practice
  • 6/14: Last Day of School
  • 6/14: Graduation @ RRHS
The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


Lilia Jones Leaps Over Hurdles of High School

Junior Lilia Jones has been striving for greatness ever since her freshman year of high school on the Phoenix track team. Junior year is the most challenging year for most high schoolers, and as Jones heads into her “final lap” at the Rock, she carries with her all that she has learned from this year.
Junior Lilia Jones has exemplified what it means to be a Phoenix. Although she partakes in many activities, she still finds a way to juggle her personal life with her school life — and on top of her busy schedule, she also holds the title of all-state athlete. Photo courtesy of Lilia Jones, graphic by Rodrigue Gomado

She holds three school records, is the president of a varsity club, a member of the military student club, captain of the track and field team, DECA president, member of the National Honor Society, cross country manager — the list goes on.  Junior Lilia Jones is very involved with the Phoenix community and strives to be a leader who pushes herself to be the best version of herself.

As Jones enters her senior year of high school, she’s ready to embrace and overcome any challenges that she faces. Her junior year taught her a few lessons that she finds to be valuable for the future. “I definitely believe that everything that happened this year happened for a reason and I think that reason is to get me ready for senior year,” Jones said.


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Q: How was your junior year of high school?

A:  It was challenging; at times, I really just wanted to be done with this year. But we made it through and it ended up not being that bad, thanks to many of my teachers and friends.

Q: What were some of your accomplishments this year?

A: I placed all-state in the 55-meter, I made [it] to ICDC in DECA, I was elected as the Rock Ridge DECA president, elected as co-captain of the track team, served on many different student boards this year, three-time district champ, [and]made the all-region team.

Q: How were your track seasons?

A: It wasn’t my best, but it helped me mentally get used to not always coming out on top.  It has me ready for next year to work hard to be the best. This year, I wasn’t able to beat my personal record, which was pretty upsetting, but I can’t wait for next year, as I will be ready to break my personal record.

Q: How was DECA? What was your favorite part of it?

A: It was a pretty good year. My favorite memory was getting ICDC with my partner, Ruth. We both didn’t make it last year, which made making it this year more meaningful to us. We had a lot of fun in California. We went to Disney and got to ride some roller coasters, overall 10/10!

Q: Who helped you a lot this year?

A: I would say my mom did. She would come to all my track meets to watch me run and listen to me presenting my DECA project to her over and over. She definitely helped me get my project done and reminded me to do it, not letting me procrastinate.

Q: What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

A: Find something you like to do, either a sport or club, and then stick with it. Always try new things at school because Rock Ridge has many things you can do. It never hurts to just try something out, and if you don’t like it, then just don’t do it. 

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About the Contributor
Rodrigue Gomado
Rodrigue Gomado, Staff Writer
Rodrigue is a junior and happy to be rejoining The Blaze this year after hitting a pause during sophomore year. He describes himself as funny, smart and interesting, and his drive to pursue activities  ‘just because why not?’ has led him to join a multitude of Rock Ridge’s in-school and after school clubs. Depending on the athletic season, Rodrigue can be found in the school gym practicing cheer stunts with his teammates, or out on the Track field. He serves as the Junior Class Communications Officer and has fun planning SCA events such as Homecoming Hallway Decorating or preparing Friday morning school announcements.

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