• Important Dates -->
  • 6/6: Capstone Gala and Senior Awards
  • 6/7: Rent Revival Performance
  • 6/13: Graduation Practice
  • 6/14: Last Day of School
  • 6/14: Graduation @ RRHS
The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


Tennis Triumphs: An Insight Into the Champions

On May 20, the Phoenix boys tennis team went to districts and defeated the Loudoun Valley Vikings in a 5-0 run. This led to them winning the title and becoming the first seed in the region. The boys were confident in their ability to win, with sophomore Akash Vangala and senior Kaushik Musari making it to the state finals.

When it comes to sports, the end of the year brings pressure and the stress of making it to districts. This year, boys tennis worked hard during the entirety of the season and their hard work was fruitful as they made it to district finals. Senior Kaushik Muskari, sophomore Akash Vangala, and senior Aryan Dhiman were some of the star players that made this accomplishment happen. 

Senior Kaushik Muskari:
“This might be my favorite season out of all four years because we’ve been winning a lot and I’ve been spending a lot of time with the team and on the court. When we don’t have a match, we usually have morning practice, and it’s a really good time for team bonding and working on everything that we need to on the court. My favorite part of the season has been when I won region doubles with my partner so now we’re progressing to states. I’m planning to continue tennis at George Mason University and major in computer engineering, so I’ve got a long road ahead of me.” (Lucian Tiller)
Sophomore Akash Vangala:
“The highlight of my season was definitely winning the regional championship, because we haven’t done that at Rock Ridge in a while, and last year we lost. [For districts,] we just went in like it was any other match. We just hydrated well and practiced well before the match, nothing really special. [To grow in the future,] I’m going to play in the off-season, definitely play during competitions and practice a lot. I play tennis because it really helps me stay healthy, and helps me stay focused, and it’s really fun to play. I love tennis because of the competition and how much fun it is. I don’t have an idol, I just want to be myself, I just play like my own player.”
Courtesy of Akash Vangala
Senior Aryan Dhiman
“We weren’t nervous, I wasn’t nervous; we knew the team and we already beat them before, so we were just confident going into the match. I’ve played tennis for all four years of highschool; I have to blame my parents for forcing me to play. During my first year, I was on the bench so I didn’t get to play that much, but I climbed up the ranks and became a starter during sophomore year. Afterwards, my goal was to win as many matches as possible, and so I practiced. After all, the more practice, the better you’re going to get. So now here I am, senior year and ready to graduate, and I’ve accomplished my goals and hyped up to play.” (Bhargav Kuniki)

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About the Contributors
Arnav Mahajan
Arnav Mahajan, Staff Writer
Arnav Mahajan is a freshman and it's his first year on the newspaper staff. He joined the newspaper because he has a strong passion for writing, which he uses to express himself. His main style of writing is argument and opinion-based pieces. He's looking forward to getting good work done and meeting the rest of the staff. When he’s not writing, he enjoys playing sports and video games, especially puzzle-based ones. He’s so excited to be part of the staff this year.
Samantha Chang
Samantha Chang, Staff Writer
Samantha Chang is a sophomore in her second year of staff. An artist and writer from a young age, she has decided to continue working on the newspaper due to the positive experience and friendships she made in her first year. Samanatha has many hobbies, such as painting, writing, and her newfound favorite, krav maga. In school, she’s a dedicated student favoring classes that involve English and tends to stay away from science and math. In the future she hopes to become a journalist or artist.
Nadia Shirr
Nadia Shirr, Staff Writer
Nadia Shirr is a junior and this is her second year on The Blaze. She joined so she could have a more fun, and chill class. When there's a new event to cover, she likes to write about it so she can give her perspective on the topic. Shirr has also been involved in crew for the last two years. Shirr would like to go out of state for college, but is still undecided as to what she’d like to study.
Lucian Tiller
Lucian Tiller, Opinion Editor
Lucian Tiller is a junior who has always liked reading about news and current events, and he thinks that it’s important for people to stay up to date about things that can impact them. Despite challenging deadlines, he also likes how the newspaper provides a service for the school, encouraging staffers to write about what they like. As Opinion Editor, he reminds staff that if you don’t write what you enjoy, it isn’t gonna be as good; plus, writing about stuff you like is easier, and you have fun while doing it.
Bhargav Kuniki
Bhargav Kuniki, Photo Editor
Bhargav is a junior and the Photo Editor on The Blaze. When he's not mountain biking, he's doing homework, playing basketball, or hanging out with his friends. His favorite food is homemade mashed potatoes with gravy. He joined the newspaper to be more involved in the inner workings of Rock Ridge. He's looking forward to the year and the exciting new stories to write.

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