On Feb. 27, the Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society hosted their annual trivia night in the library. The three teams, Yeat, Acadentists, and Air, went up against each other in the game of “Jeopardy” hosted by Rho Kappa president, senior Ananya Karthik. The game featured six categories of questions: history, literature, pop culture, technology, arts, and science.
The night started out with the Acadentists in the lead with 1,000 points, winning a history question, which left the other two teams at zero. This soon changed as Yeat took the lead with 2,800 points. The lead up to see who would get the buzzer first left the other teams in suspense. “I enjoy doing trivia and seeing my friends,” Air team member senior Divya Maddineni said. “This was just a fun experience, overall. I would definitely do this again.”
As the game progressed, Yeat was still in the lead, leaving Air and Acadentists tied for second place with 2,200 points each. Senior Emilia Scovel helped keep score throughout the match. “It’s a very competitive game and most people in Rho Kappa are competitive,” Scovel said.
Attempting a comeback, team Air selected the category technology. The teams were then asked, “Attempting to cook a pizza with this device will leave raw dough and unmelted cheese despite its 2011 designated heating element, from its previous heat source, an incandescent light bulb.” Team Yeat quickly buzzed only to give the wrong answer, leaving the game in the hands of team Air who gained 800 points with their answer, “Easy bake oven.”
Yeat soon took the lead again, pushing the other’s behind them. They then selected a literature question “Name this author who also contrasted the rich and the poor of the jazz age with novels like ‘The Great Gatsby’ and ‘The Beautiful and the Damned’” The Acadentists buzzed quickly answering “F. Scott Fitzgerald” which gained them 400 points and put them in a close second to Team Yeat with 2,600 points.
The game concluded with Acadentists in first place with a score of 6,800, Yeat in a close second with 6,200, and Air in last with 5,000 points. “This year I was with some of my really close friends in my grade and we’ve gone through history all of these years together and it really culminated in this [game],” senior Yoshi Sarkar, one of the Acadentist members, said.
The night was competitive and a great chance for students to gain new information and test themselves. “It’s fun seeing how all the things you actually learned in your classes come up in a game like this,” Sarkar said. They have been doing this game night for a few years now and plan to continue. Next year, they plan to make the buzzing easier for the teams to make the process run more smoothly overall.
Rho Kappa has done this game night for a few years now and plans to continue. All in all, the event went as planned, the players had fun recalling past knowledge and gaining new knowledge while having a good time with their peers.