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  • 2/27-Rho Kappa Trivia Night
  • 2/28- Cardinal Activity Day
  • 3/1- DECA State Conference
  • 3/1- State Track Meet
  • 3/7- Gray Day Activity
  • 3/12- Writing SOL starts
The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


Divitha Mathe

Divitha Mathe, Staff Writer

Divitha Mathe is a sophomore at Rock Ridge this year. She joined The Blaze this year and recently moved here from Fairfax two weeks before school started. She picked journalism because that’s what she wants to do in the future. She likes creative writing, and likes how journalism has a frame that you could already use. This year she hopes to understand journalism more, but hopes to be on the editorial board by junior or senior year. She loves the A&E writing, because she can be more creative. She did badminton for a team, and still does with her dad, since he was a professional player. Apart from journalism and English, she enjoys chemistry, particularly blowing stuff up. In the future, she wants to take psychology.

All content by Divitha Mathe