Writing Center helps improve students’ papers

The Writing Center is open during Rock Block and B-day lunch for students to peer review papers with trained tutors.

Kimberly Herbstritt

 The Rock Ridge Writing Center, run by English teacher Sean Heron, is an elective course for students who are skilled in the writing field. Through one-on-one tutoring sessions, students enrolled in the course contribute their knowledge to peers who are seeking guidance in their writing.

Tutors are trained to give the best service to their tutees by learning useful techniques. They focus on “how to create measurable tutoring objectives, so that each time you come in, there is a clear goal, and that goal can be achieved,” Heron said. The Writing Center, now in its second year, is a place for students to work with one another in a safe environment where the goal is to make progress over time.

“I think one of the major benefits is having a second eye to your essay,” senior Sarah Ong, a writing center tutor, said. “I know a lot of people, like myself, are sometimes hesitant to show or talk to our teachers about whatever writing we have, and I think being able to get help from a student who’s probably been in your shoes before is very valuable,” Ong said. 

Students are encouraged to visit the writing center for advice in the writing process and peer revision. Tutoring sessions are open to students with passes to come during study hall or B-lunch. Passes are available outside of room 1605.