On Friday, May 3, seniors, recruiters, teachers, friends, and family gathered to celebrate the signing ceremony of students planning on entering the military. Seniors Jacobo Borgen, Elena Frisby, and Zalaan Khan mingled and celebrated their future plans with those who helped them get there.
From studying and completing the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) testing to preparing themselves for the tough journey ahead, the senior military signing day signified the end of one story and the beginning of a bright future ahead as these seniors close out their final school year.
Senior Jaden Arse, who also plans to join the military post-high school, developed his interest through small interactions with strangers and family ties. “I talk to people, for example, I work at a restaurant, and if I see a Navy Federal [Credit] Union [card] or someone gives me a USAA card, and I know their former military, then I’ll ask them about it, so that’s kind of where I get some of my information from,” Arse said. “My stepdad was also in the Marines.”
Each student has their own journey they are starting and their own story to share. “I would just say [talking to] your recruiter is a big part of [the recruitment experience]; they help you out a lot,” Arse said.

Senior Elena Frisby has signed on to join the Coast Guard.
Q: When did you know you wanted to join the military?
A: Well I’ve known since at least fifth grade, because that is when my brother signed into the Coast Guard. I always thought he was really cool so I thought maybe I should do it [as well]. As I grew up I realized that this was the way I wanted to start my future.
Q: What have you done to prepare yourself for the process of joining the Coast Guard?
A: It’s definitely a lot of physical training, but the biggest thing for me was mentally preparing myself, because it kind of creeps up on you more than you know, but I’ve always prepared to start thinking about [all the big things].

Senior Zalaan Khan has signed on to join the Marine Corps.
Q: What made you decide that you wanted to go into the military?
A: First of all, honestly, the US, in general, has given so much to me, and so I have to give something back. So, in my skill set which is like just training and all of that, I decided to join the Marine Corps. Plus, they were the first ones to reach out to me. That’s why.
Q: What was the process like?
A: It was pretty simple for me. First, they interviewed me to see if I was a good candidate for the Marine Corps. Then, I had to go through screening, medicals, then training, and then I joined.
Q: Are you excited for this next chapter of your life?
A: Yes. Definitely.

Senior Jacobo Borgen has signed on to join the Air Force.
Q: What do you plan to do in the Air Force?
A: I am going on active duty, and the job I will pick is in the cyber and intel field.
Q: What was the process like signing in?
A: It was a smooth process for me. It definitely took a while to decide because it’s definitely a big step, but I had friends, and family helping me out and supporting me all throughout, so I think I made the right choice.
Q: What are your plans after you finish?
A: I plan to go to school, and try to get a good job. Definitely plan on furthering my education afterward.