PTSO Members Discusss Important Updates Concerning Senior Updates, Teacher Appreciation Week, and PTSO Parent Pep Rally
The PTSO board met to discuss the end of the year senior party and they bounced off ideas about what they can add or take out. Members also discussed scholarships and plans for teacher appreciation week.
Principal John Duellman smiles while reflecting on how far the current senior class has come since they were freshmen. During the Principal’s Report, Duellman mentioned some of the major accomplishments made possible by the seniors, and followed that with how the school could celebrate them. “There are a few surprises coming up that I can’t talk about,” Duellman said. “There are some really good [celebrations planned].”
April 17, 2023
On April 13, members of the PTSO and administration met in the library to talk about updates that needed to be finalized from the previous meeting such as unfinished orders on magnets, the future phoenix retreat flyer, and senior signs. They also discussed new updates that have happened since spring break came to an end including the PTSO Parent Pep Rally and beautification of the flagpole.
Principal John Duellman started the meeting by highlighting the start of the capstone experience as the date is getting closer and closer. “Some of our kids have made strong connections [with their capstone sponsor] through this program,” Duellman said. “A lot of [students] are often given contracts and employed because of this program.”
He continued to spotlight different student achievements around the school, such as the theater department as they were awarded the Designation of Premiere Community for Theater this past week. One of only 25 schools in the country and one in VA were awarded this distinction. He also spotlights the track team, where 68 students set a personal record and 26 qualified to compete at districts.
Plans for the Senior Graduation Celebration have also been moving forward as the board discussed filling out permission forms and getting the rest of the senior fees. Members discussed plans that they should keep from last year and what they should get rid of, such as keeping the DJ and getting rid of the moon bounce. “[The moon bounce] costs a lot of money and no one really uses it,” school counseling secretary Liz Grainger said.
Although the calendar for May is incredibly hectic and full, the PTSO found a possible date, May 17, for the annual PTSO Pep Rally. This event offers a chance for prospective PTSO members — the parents of rising freshmen — to get familiar with the dynamic of high school parents, and potentially join the PTSO.
Following this, there was a brief discussion of possible changes to the school calendar for the 2023-2024 school year, and the possibility of Naviance being switched out for the more commonly used app, Canvas. Most students shift to using Canvas when they transition into college.
The next PTSO meeting will be held on May 4.