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  • 2/27-Rho Kappa Trivia Night
  • 2/28- Cardinal Activity Day
  • 3/1- DECA State Conference
  • 3/1- State Track Meet
  • 3/7- Gray Day Activity
  • 3/12- Writing SOL starts
The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


Sydney Nguyen

Sydney Nguyen, Design Editor

Sydney Nguyen is a senior and the Design Editor for The Blaze. While creating and designing spreads for the newspaper is one of Sydney’s favorite parts, they also enjoy writing articles. This year, Syd is most looking forward to AP Literature. In the coming year, Sydney plans to go to college and major in computer science while still continuing her hobbies of journalism and graphic design. Sydney especially enjoys the Art and Literature Club and being in the marching band at Rock Ridge as a top bass and saxophone player. Sydney’s favorite activities to do in their free time include drawing, rollerblading, scootering, and biking with their family.

All content by Sydney Nguyen
"At the end of it all, four weeks til caps meet crowns, I remember that you can never really know." -No Knowing

Nguyen Swan Song: No Knowing

Sydney Nguyen, Design Editor
May 16, 2024
Preparing to kick, freshman Jaquelyn Malapira watches as the ball comes towards her. This season, she tried out because she wanted to get back into soccer after having played on her elementary school team. “I feel like [on] the first day of tryouts, I was really nervous,” Malapira said. “I was really scared the first time. But after the first day, I realized it wasn’t that serious and it was more about having fun. I think for future people that want to try out: just do it.”


March 14, 2023
Sophomore Kaustav Guttikonda backhands the tennis ball across the net to his opponent.


March 14, 2023
Freshman Mrudu Annavarapu volleys the ball back during the second day of tryouts.


March 14, 2023
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