“Thirty-Nine:” The Heartwarming, Heart-Wrenching K-Drama

“Thirty-Nine,” a Korean Drama that broke our hearts, leaves viewers to question the value of friends and family in their life.

In episode two, Kim Seon-U hints at his love and affection for Mi-Jo as he remembers that her favorite flowers are Peonies and has them delivered to her house. The Peonies come back in the last episode around Chan-Young's funeral to symbolize the support that Mi-Jo has after her best friend's death.


In episode two, Kim Seon-U hints at his love and affection for Mi-Jo as he remembers that her favorite flowers are Peonies and has them delivered to her house. The Peonies come back in the last episode around Chan-Young’s funeral to symbolize the support that Mi-Jo has after her best friend’s death.

Contains spoilers. 

Since the popular Korean drama “Squid Game” took the world by storm in September 2021, Netflix has been investing more resources into the production of Korean dramas. They plan to release 25 new series in 2022 according to The Hollywood Reporter. “Thirty Nine,” released on Feb 16, features three 39-year-old women trying to live their best lives on the brink of turning 40. 

In the first episode, viewers are teased by a funeral scene that foreshadows a main character’s death. Viewers are then introduced to our main characters Mi-Jo, Chan Yeong, and Ju Hui. These three women have all been best friends and single for 22 years. They have spent what has felt like an eternity with each other and do everything together, despite the fact that they all lead very different lives. Mi-Jo is a cosmetic dermatologist, Chan Yeong an acting coach, and Ju Hui a department store manager.  

Chan Yeong is the social, emotionally independent, and spontaneous one who has easily become a fan favorite.  Ju Hui is the quiet friend out of the three who lived at home, unsure if she is taking care of her mother or if her mother is taking care of her. Mi-Jo is the rich, career-oriented  friend that spoils them all.

Caught up in the stories of the characters, the almost forgotten funeral scene from the introduction of the show appears again at the end of the third episode building up intensity for the next few episodes. The next couple of episodes should be paired with tissues and a side of popcorn as a heartbreaking truth is revealed about one of the main characters.

Netflix brought international television to the forefront by investing in more K-Dramas like “Thirty-Nine.” Overall, the drama was lighthearted with a number of heart-wrenching scenes. There were definitely slow episodes like nine and 10; however, the last two episodes make up for the decrease in pace. The last two episodes tied up the show as they delved into Ju Hui and Chan Young’s relationships and where they might lead to. The last episode was by-far the most emotional of the bunch as viewers had to let go of Chan-Yeung. 

Chan Yeung leaves life with no regrets, surrounding herself with amazing people who made her life feel full of love and support. The drama ends on a heart wrenching and emotional note as Chan-Yeong says her final farewells.

“Thirty Nine” is now streaming on Netflix.