The Significance of Auras

We all know the colors of the rainbow, but what if these colors could also show our energy field? Could they determine our personality?

As someone who practices spirituality, it is important to be aware of your well being. Auras help with knowing how your physical body connects emotionally.

Ivana Figueroa

As someone who practices spirituality, it is important to be aware of your well being. Auras help with knowing how your physical body connects emotionally.

Ivana Figueroa, Staff Writer

We all know our colors: red, white, green, blue, indigo, black, brown, orange. But what if colors played a role in our field of energy? 

Auras are spiritual beliefs that are constructed around the human body, an animal, or an object.  Auras are typically seen as a color, and the colors are based on the energy you give off in your field. Reds, for example, are seen as passionate, while orange means you are confident, a leader, and wealthy. Yellow means child-like, warm, and optimistic. Blue means intelligent, faithful, and powerful. Purple means creative, mysterious, and emotional.

Spirituality means an energy above a person that can help them, or completely go against them. Ways to drain your spirit can be being on electronics, being around others that aren’t meant for you, and even work can drain energy based on people or even activities. Additionally, auras aren’t just a color over someone’s heads. We can also feel a sense of auras in people around us as well. 

Sophomore Davina Thongprasert believes that people can present an aura.. “In a way, I do believe in auras — like when you first meet a person, there’s this vibe or feeling you get from them that they just exude immediately,” Thongsprasert said.

Thongprasert connects her spirituality with not only herself, but also her family. “All of my spiritual practices are actually derived from my mother and grandmother, so I kinda just pick up what I learn and go from there from time to time, but I sadly don’t do it as often,” Thongsprasert said.

Thongprasert has a specific way she practices her spirituality. “It depends on my mood,” Thongprasert said. “I tend to use tarot cards before any events and holidays, just to get a feel for what might happen. I use meditation the most sometimes. When I feel overwhelmed, I ground myself so I can just tune myself in with positive energy.” 

Although some people might just connect to spirituality because it may seem cool and want to learn more, others might practice spirituality themselves with knowledge and experience. To me, it can be mesmerizing how auras are when you meet someone — you automatically can physically feel the energy they put off.  It can affect your energy field or others’ fields as well. Sophomore Bo Lucas also finds that auras can impact a first impression, “Some people have a specific thing about them, and it could be good or bad. It’s like when you get a bad feeling about a person,” Lucas said.

Overall, auras stand out from other forms of spirituality because they reflect every unseen field of energy around your body. They offer what others can see, but what you cannot see in yourself. As humans, we tend to look at what everyone else is doing, but when you know your true self, then that’s what matters most.