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The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


The Student News Site of Rock Ridge High School


James Bowles

James Bowles, Managing Editor

James Bowles is a senior and is the Managing Editor for The Blaze. In his third year on the paper staff, he still thoroughly enjoys his experience working with everyone associated with The Blaze, and wouldn’t give it up for just about anything. When he compared his previous experience with the student paper as a staff writer versus his current position as an editor, he denotes that both are crucial positions for the paper to run smoothly, though he does appreciate the pseudo-mentor role he has as an editor. He’s also incredibly grateful that the paper has allowed him to spend more time with his brother in academia. One word of advice he hopes to be helpful to the newcomers of the staff is to just hang in there; you will struggle to get in the groove in the beginning, especially when it comes to the more unconventional sides of this work, like photography and interviews, but the knowledge will slowly creep on you, and soon you’ll be able to self-guide through it with ease.

All content by James Bowles
"I’m sorry, but I’m exhausted; too exhausted to say anything else but thank you all for giving me some peace of mind." -Exhausted

Bowles Swan Song: Exhausted

James Bowles, Managing Editor
May 16, 2024
A portfolio would allow students to freely choose what activities, assignments, achievements, and awards they believe are a good representation of themselves when presented to college instead of the GPA.

Opinion: Pitching A Portfolio

James Bowles, Managing Editor
January 4, 2024
Students work and relax in science teacher Michael Johnson’s room. Even if students didn’t want to attend a club, they still had to be in a room and had the opportunity to go to a quiet space so every student was accounted for; staff such as security guard Kaitlyn Victor made sure no students were in the hallways during the period. “It’s my job to make sure no kids are trying to skip out on the fun,” Victor said.

Calling all Clubs for Cardinal Day

James Bowles, Managing Editor
October 26, 2023
The Zen Force was an online group originally created to act as a police force for Khan’s currency, the Zen, but the concept quickly evolved to have its own website and group chat.

Zens: The Creative Currency

James Bowles, Managing Editor
April 1, 2022
Students are exposed to the internet in grades as early as kindergarten, revealing the world of the web to them. The internet's anonymity would be harmful for their developing brain, preventing  them from seeing the dangers that come from it -- dangers such as not being able to identify which information is correct, if the site they are on is harmful or not, and what people to stay away from on the web.

Anonymity: A Curse On The Internet

James Bowles, Managing Editor
February 3, 2022
Shayan Khan, 10

Shayan Khan, 10

James Bowles, Managing Editor
September 30, 2021
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