Sakala Swan Song: The Struggle of Moving On

Sruthi Sakala, Business Manager

As I sit down to write this piece, I find myself struggling to put words to the empty Google Docs open in front of me. Why is this piece so difficult to write when I’ve been thinking about writing it for the past three years? As I’m reflecting on why it’s so hard to write my final goodbye to this school and The Blaze, I realize that it’s not that I don’t know what I want to say, but rather that I’m finding every possible excuse to put off the task at hand. 

Maybe I’m putting it off because of the obvious senioritis I have been facing the minute second semester started, or perhaps it’s because I’m nearing the end of my high school journey, and I’m finding it difficult to come to terms with the fact that this chapter of my life is coming to a close — as corny as that sounds. 

From freshman year, I’ve been dreaming of this wonderful day called graduation. The cap and gowns, the celebration of finishing something monumental, the acknowledgement of success, flowers, etc. After watching endless corny kids movies about graduation, I knew right then and there I was so excited for this very special day. But, as this day comes closer and closer, I find it hard to shake the feeling that I’m leaving some of the best friends I ever had and the best memories I have ever made, scared that I’ll never experience those types of things again. 

The struggle of moving on is not something that only a few people are feeling. I have learned that it’s a universal experience and I am also struggling with this feeling. How do I leave the classrooms I like to call safe spaces, the teachers that I visit and talk to every day, and the friends that I have shared triumphs and defeats with?

Coming into high school, I was so scared that I wouldn’t be making the same memories that I had seen that were scripted from movies about high school, but as I am writing this piece and reflecting about my time at this school, I realize that I didn’t make those memories. I made even better ones.

I have made some of the most genuine friendships during my time here, and I will forever cherish those memories. From football games, to early morning club meetings, to pep rallies, I think I experienced some of the best highs of high school. I have also experienced the lows, to losing friends, to being scared of not getting into college, and not getting A’s in all my classes. But I learned that all the low experiences are normal, and I have learned from all that, and they made me the person I am today. 

Even though I am scared of moving on from high school, I am excited for what the future holds. I’m ready to take on new challenges, to learn new things, and to make new connections. I’ve learned that leaving high school is just the first step in a lifelong journey.

It took a while for me to realize, but I know in the end, I will be moving onto bigger and better things, and I shouldn’t be scared of that.